sketch pad

meine umwelt

avec moi, sans moi,

par moi

Ahh… and the tales I shall unfold

May blast comprehension if the truth be told

An ode to the masters, martyrs and whims

A satyr on life and sullied daydreams


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bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria

he conquers twice who conquers himself in victory (Publius Syrus)

I already looked out across the fields with you

I already know what you saw

I already know what you didn't say

As I grappled with what was said

Witnessed intermediaries

Ghosting with ghosts on borrowed time

Exacting payment from me

To construct for you (r composite)

Wolfing down torn detachment

Ignoring all price, my sons theft

For you for you for you (r composite)

For they r s

One day, I will look across the fields with you

And you will tell me what you see

Sœur sœur sacre-cœur

Crossed the wall span free

(17th May ‘15)

"I don't like you," she said.

"Why not?" he said.

"Because you're a bit of a git," she said.

"What do you mean?" he said.

She walked off. A bit.

So did he.

"Maybe I'll like you tomorrow," she said.

"Ok," he said. "Maybe I'll like you tomorrow. Maybe I'll be here tomorrow."

"Ok," she said. "Maybe I'll see you tomorrow. Or another day."

"Ok," he said. "See you then."

(26th  Aug ‘14)

I am very angry with you (composite)

Le ama (je parle bbl)

durate et vosmet rebus servate secundis

carry on and preserve yourselves for better times

Si je peu je peu je maxima peu je rie je cri je m

Et le fli

Le fil

Le maxima di

Ke eva la le


The last two a ha

