sketch pad

meine umwelt

different choices;

different outcomes

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 London © 2015 Designing Futures

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Designing Futures

cogi qui potest nescit mori

de pilo pendet

Designing Futures’ analytic pragmatism in adult education and successful project initiatives draw on rhizomatic creativity.  

This is fed in part by an ongoing interest in the relationship between multi-modal, situated and collaborative versus abstracted learning and development, and its mirror in social and literate practice and language; and the function of storytelling in co-ordinating action.



learning is a whole body situated and social experience replicated in our internal nervous system and neuron networks which in turn allow abstraction extended application and feedback loops integrating the diversity of contextual factors encountered a wealth of research is analysing improving and substantiating teaching and learning practices and virtual digital replication


social constructivism






poesi poesi

in play

ars est celare artem

true art is to conceal art

quite where performance crosses into simulation or uncertainty into dissimulation is a haze of pixelation triggering stimuli registering feedback and interacting in ever more detailed loops and patterns of inherent rule structures integrated in to language development aids concrete understanding and communication and increases the potential for abstract conceptualisations and transferability to new scenarios the paradigms which develop may increase in responsiveness to detail and mathematical complexity or simplify to generic models and diffuse symbolic signifiers
